Monday, September 13, 2010

Loosening of controls on exports draws fire - Washington Times

Loosening of controls on exports draws fire - Washington Times: "The Obama administration's overhaul of regulations aimed at loosening controls on the export of some military technology is drawing fire from groups that monitor arms proliferation but praise from trade groups.
President Obama on Tuesday announced the export-control policies in a video during the Commerce Department's annual conference on updates to export controls.
The policy seeks to streamline and standardize the licensing process for defense-related exports and create a new unified enforcement agency to crack down on violators of the export controls.
Currently, the Commerce and State departments administer controls on the licensing of munitions and sensitive dual-use exports, a long-standing source of concern for the U.S. defense industry that complains of delays and the byzantine nature of the bureaucracy. Dual-use items have both military and civilian applications.
'Going forward, we will have a single, tiered, positive list — one which will allow us to build higher walls around the export of our most sensitive items while allowing the export of less-critical ones under less-restrictive conditions,' Mr. Obama said Tuesday,"