Wednesday, January 4, 2012

US military's non-lethal weapon plans revealed

Details of the US military’s wish-list for non-lethal devices have been published online and show some interesting new technologies, as well as some more familiar ones that are to be beefed up.

The non-lethal weapons (NLW) book was posted online by researchers at Public Intelligence, and covers both existing weapons currently in use by the US military such as tasers and pepper spray, with new tools that the Pentagon would like to add to their arsenal. Such weaponry is described in the materials as vital for conflict resolution without force, and for winning the "hearts and minds" of the local populace by not leaving chunks of their hearts and minds strewn everywhere.

“In past operations, the effective employment of NLW resolved escalation of force situations,” the document states. “Specifically, the NLW created the right 'direct effect' on the personnel/materiel targeted. The use of NLW has also generated positive 'psychological effects' on others in the area and helped to contribute to mission accomplishment.”